Any camera with manual mode, basic understanding of your camera.
Access to Zoom, Adobe Lightroom or Photoshop (any photo editing software),
Light sources of your choice.
Real time Zoom class once a week - Lecture + Q&A + homework discussion in a real time and immediate homework feedback.
Video tutorials where I show the way I work on sets. Every tutorial is aligned with the homework assignment.
Summary of a lecture (PDF) after every class
Homework Assignments - be ready for real home assignments! Each of them will be documented by your camera so in the end of the class you will have a portfolio to share with the world.
One-on-one session (30min.) - is aimed to help you with your homework assignment and answer questions. I will also be available via email, WhatsApp/Telegram and IG messages during these 7 weeks.
As a result you will learn how to develop your idea into the set, basics of creative composition, styling and interaction with a body and costume.
5 Live Lectures (45 min.)
Group Q&A and Home Assignment discussions.
2 hours Final Project Discussion Group Session.
3,5 hours of one-on-one sessions during the course (scheduled individually).
5 Lectures and video examples (PDF).
Web Page Access with videos, photographs and sketches for every class theme.
Zoom recording of every session.
4 projects as home assignments.
2 weeks for the final project.
BONUS - List of books, articles, theatre plays (with links) and movies that might be interesting and inspiring from the point of set and costume design.
Next class date will be announced soon